Three Light Table Lamp

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Beautiful bouquets of full blooming Lavender Roses circle this exquisite stained glass shade. The roses are accented with Green leaves against a Beige and Yellow Nouveau styled scrolled background design. The delicate domed shade is paired with an elegant cast metal lamp base hand-finished in Mahogany Bronze. The Tiffany-style handcrafted shade is created using the famous Meyda Tiffany copperfoil construction technique. The lamp is ideal for placement in picture windows and on credenzas and end tables to make a beautiful design statement in residential and hospitality spaces, from Atlanta, Georgia, to Miami, Florida, to St. Louis, Missouri. The Rose Bouquet Table Lamp is featured in our American-designed, handmade Stained Glass Lighting Collection. UL and cUL listed for dry locations.Each shade is a unique work of art with color variations based on natural ingredients inherent in the glass.
Collection: Rose Bouquet
SKU: 5016836