One Light Desk Lamp

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In the early 1900s, Tiffany Studios used artful mastery to develop the look of woven fabric from art glass. Meyda recreated this shade with Amber Plum glass fringe crowning a domed brickwork of Emerald, Cobalt and Ruby with Purple diamond shaped accents using the famous Meyda Tiffany copperfoil construction process. The shade is embraced with a decorative Dryad cast metal base finished in Mahogany Bronze. The Tiffany Candice Desk Lamp is featured in our American designed, handcrafted Tiffany Reproduction Lighting Collection. UL and cUL listed for dry locations. Each shade is a unique work of art with color variations based on natural ingredients inherent in the glass. Contact us if color matching is critical when ordering multiple items.
Collection: Tiffany Candice
SKU: 5959588