Three Light Table Lamp

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The Honey Locust was a popular floral design created by Louis Comfort Tiffany over a century ago. Each of three decorative dome-shaped stained glass lampshades features petal-shaped edges and depicts clusters of Plum and Periwinkle flowers amid Spring Green leaves cascading towards the base. This table lamp includes an elegant cast metal Three Graces base finished in Mahogany Bronze. Ideal for illuminating tables, credenzas, and desks in homes, banks, and libraries from Exeter, New Hampshire, to Boston, Massachusetts, to Billings, Montana. The Tiffany Honey Locust 3 Light Table Lamp is included in our American-designed, handcrafted Tiffany Stained Glass Collection. UL & cUL listed for dry locations. Each shade is a unique work of art with color variations based on natural ingredients inherent in the glass.
Collection: Tiffany Honey Locust
SKU: 5959109